Been too busy lately to update!!
And I've definitely lost track of the weeks. Everything has been a whirlwind after the kitchen/bath renovations finally ended earlier this month. Since then, the Man and I have been pushing to get the house ready for move in. We were very fortunate to have family members help us through this process, we really couldn't of done it without their help. Just us, with 2 pairs of hands didn't cut it!! It has been an overwhelming journey, push push push, clean clean clean, rip rip, sweep sweep, wipe wipe. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
The Man's Project: Redoing EVERYTHING in our Master Bedroom
The Lady's Project: Taking out the carpet/nails/screws/staples in the Stairway (gross and such backbreaking hard work!!)
Having family members help us with the other rooms!
More pictures to come.....and here's my little baby, Little P (and Fat P in the back) !! He keeps me sane.
Tired but pumped,
The Lady