So it's beginning to warm up...and it's only February!! We have had really nice weather so far, this week it has been in the mid-80s!! Wonderful weather!
Which only means one thing......time to start the vegetable garden! I have a nasty habit to start something (like a fun project such as this) and then lose interest and not finish it! However, this one, I have to finish, I want to finish!! I'm tired of running out to the grocery store and paying $2-3 for a bunch of basil and about $1 for cilantro! We use it so much, it should be readily available. Hence my motivation for really getting this veggie garden started.
I also want to plant some tomatoes, lettuce, kale, green beans, and herbs........a little too optimistic and a little much for a novice?! Yes....perhaps. I have no clue what I'm doing. They probably won't even sprout. But well, here goes. I definitely want to do tomatoes because spending summers in Japan at my grandparent's house, where my grandpa
always had tomatoes, cucumbers and all kinds of veggies, I definitely want that feeling again. We ate tomatoes for days and days, breakfast, lunch and dinner. There was so much, you didn't know what to do with it. It was fantastic. I would love a garden like my grandparents'.
So here we go. I approached the Man about this, to this he scoffed a little bit mostly because he knows how I start projects and then don't finish them....which basically means, he has to take over. I drew up some plans for my raised bed planter boxes and we're going to build them this weekend!! Woohoo!! Hope it all goes well! This is how we spend out Valentine's Day, building planter boxes and getting our backyard ready to plant some veggies (as in cut some ugly trees down, mow the lawn, pull out weeds!!)......ah do we sound like a bunch of retirees now? Lol.
Inspirations {found some neat images online}
(Gorgeous! I would love multiple planter boxes and a backyard this big!) |
Our designs {I'm leaning towards Option 2}
The Lady