Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Love of My Life

Lady here, I'm back from Japan.

It was tough coming home from Japan and it's always a culture shock to come back to the States after being in Japan. It's honestly kind of depressing and always leaves me sad and down for a few days. I love being in Japan, and because it's like my second home, it is heartbreaking to leave. Part of me never wants to leave.

Being down and sad about coming back to good ol' LA, a glimpse of happiness lies in the fact that my dear 84 year old grandma came home with me. Yes, I love this lady. She is my heart, my love, my second mother, the kindest, most caring, forgiving, honest, strong and understanding person that ever walked this earth. No words can describe what this woman means to me and my family. I am just overjoyed that she is in my life and decided (and was able) to come home to LA with me this time around.

Being in LA, so far away from Japan and my family members, I often forget how much I love my family and how important they are. I am so grateful, so so grateful that I am reminded during opportunities like this, of what special people I have in my life and the time we get to spend together. I am thankful for trips to Japan that make me humble and remind me of the simple, true things in life that really matter. Family.

Humble and grateful,
The Lady

Thursday, April 9, 2015

NY Times, Modern Love - Good Reads

I follow the NY Time's column "Modern Love" and they seem to publish a weekly story or two which has caught my eye and interests. This week's in particular. It was a touching article, completely different from what the title conveyed.

If anyone has had a love one affected by Alzheimer's, this is a fascinating article (link below).

A Boyfriend Too Good to Be True

Let's read,
The Lady

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Something's eating our veggies, Japan's calling

Well........ our garden is being eaten. Not by the Lady or the Man. By something, mysteriously. I think it's a caterpillar or slugs. We have been making progress with all the veggies except the basil!! SO sad considering that fact that I was looking forward to a plethora of basil and pesto this summer!! Dude.......

Our basil leaves have been eaten up and are hole-ly :( Boo, sad face. Don't know the exact cause either and it just seems to be our basil plant. A few holes here and there in the tomato and pea plants but pretty much everyone else is healthy! What's going on........

(The peas!! So healthy!)

(Yellow summer squash for grilling)

(YES!! Finally some cilantro!!! Salsa time!)

(nice leafy lettuce)

(Our swiss cheese, eaten up basils)

(tomato plant is thriving)

(there's a bunch of black dots on these)
(on the other hand, the Man has taken upon him to start a landscaping project and rip up the front yard. He's
putting mulch where the rose bushes are, rose bushes were prune by the Lady)

(Looks like a land mine!)

As for travelling, the Lady is leaving for Japan this weekend and can't be more excited!! Japan pictures to follow!! Time to eat some really good sushi and Bachan's home cooking!

Hungry already,
The Lady