Taking a little break from the travel posts. Here's a post dear to my heart. Some people might think I'm crazy. Sometimes the Man thinks I'm crazy because I love my Roborovski hamsters so much. But I really do, they are the cutest darnest little pets. I love my baby boys so much. Ever since I was a kid, I've had pets (bunnies mostly) so I have a warm place in my heart for cute little creatures. They bring me such joy in my life with their cute little smiles and round bums as they eat their food or run around their cage.
Before these two boys, there was Hamilton. Our very first Roborovski, who we loved and sadly had to put down last October. He had such a funny personality, it was infectious. In fact, these Punas have such different personalities from Hamilton, it's kind of interesting. Little puna is the sweetest little critter, he'll melt your heart. Every morning, he'll pop his little head out of the house, and with the cutest look on his face, runs right to the glass edge, his face begging for banana chips or dried cranberries (two of his favs). Fat puna, which we call out of love and affection (because he's bigger and plumper), is my shy boy. He'll only come out of his house when no one's around or when I'm giving treats. Sneaky little guy he is.
(The Punas first day home) |
(Little Puna) |
(Fat Puna) |
(Little Puna eating his favorite banana chips) |
(Little Puna excitedly jumping around) |
Hamster Mama,
The Lady
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