With the way things started with the tiling, the Man and I were NOT looking forward to having the cabinetry crew come in next to tell us, probably, that our walls are crooked and they can't install it. We were expecting the worst.
Lo and behold, cabinetry started and ended this week without any issues! What's that you say?! No issues?! Can't be. Well one little issue. There was the whole nightmare of running around town like a chicken without a head looking for an apron sink with a taller front "apron." And the chicken without the head, yeah, that would be me, the Lady.
This was my screw up so I should take responsibility for it, but it sure did not come easy. We ordered a freaking apron sink from Home Depot online, which had the longest leadtime ever. Of course, me being all in a hurry, did not think twice and ordered the 6" apron.....my bad. Last minute, Sunday night, we changed our minds and wanted to get the 9" apron sink with a taller front. It has a better design to it anyway. Problem is, where the heck do we get it?!
Scrambled around and around, called people left and right, and finally found that Ferguson's in Redondo Beach can not only order it, they can overnight it!! WTF?!? I will never order anything from HD online again!! So I ran over to Ferguson's, ordered the darn thing (which turned out to be even cheaper than HD!) and prayed that it would actually arrive the next morning. After being burned so many times with leadtimes, I would not be surprised if it wasn't there.
Tuesday morning, boom. Miracle, hallelujah!! It was there. Our beautiful Kohler K6487 9" apron sink, ready for me to pick up. Just like the sale person at Ferguson's promised. Finally, something that worked out!! Here are some pictures from the cabinetry install, which to me and the Man's relief, came out just the way we wanted!
(I am so sick of this yucky, disgusting green carpet!!) |
(The knobs we went with, brushed stainless steel) |
(Is it weird that I am excited about a trash pull-out?! Yay, hidden trashcans!) |
(Oh you apron sink, you caused me so much grief) |
(Laundry room's cabinetry) |
(Love the cup pulls on the drawers!) |
(Can't believe this is ours!) |
(9" Apron sink, you look so lovely, you are perfect!) |
Next up! Counter install and all finishing fixtures!!!
Can't wait to finish this rat race,
The Lady