Week 9 started off pretty much in paint mode. I would've never guessed that painting would be such a pain in the butt. Wow. So much work goes into painting. Prepping was the worst part I think. The Man and I along with friends and family members worked till wee-hours of the night painting 5 rooms in 3 days/nights. What an achievement!! Now for the other 7 rooms in the house......(big sigh)
(The Man sanding down the edges since the GC did such a crappy job of it) |
(The Man sanding down the edges since the GC did such a crappy job of it) |
(The Man's friend helping us out) |
(We even called our moms to help us out) |
(The Man starting to paint the edges first) |
(The Man and I painted till the wee-hours of the night. It's like college all over again) |
(The outcome - we are pretty happy with the grey. Behr Ultra Premium - Color Sparrow) |
(Why yes, we did go BLACK in the bathroom!!) |
(Yes, black's a bit dramatic. We wanted dramatic and elegant/classy) |
You know, I should not be surprised with surprises anymore. In fact, I should expect it. This whole reno process has been one surprise after another. However, every time I see an unforeseen surprise or something that doesn't look right, I get an anxiety attack. It's just my nature I guess. I need everything to be perfect. And with an old house, ya just don't get perfect, son!
Breaking point for the Lady. The tile guys and GC just about did it for me. I lost my temper and every bit of confidence I had in them. The height of the "floating cement" came out to be ridiculously unreasonable. It is more like a "curb" rather than a leveling. Floating cement should be 1"~2" at most, not 4"~6"!!!! W.T.F!?!?!? What is going to happen with our transitions? What about the thresholds? What....what.......what.....my god, it's a nightmare.
(I wish I could just forget this whole floating cement nightmare....) |
(There is actually 3"+ floating cement towards the back of the powder room...) |
(UGHHHHH!!!! When I see this I cringe. W.T.F!! Look at that height difference!!) |
(Kill me now, that is the transitional height difference from the kitchen to the living!!) |
Please wake me up,
The Lady
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