So much has happened this year. This year started off with my grandpa being hospitalized and me flying over to Japan to see him, followed by scuba diving lessons and testing, then finding a house and making an offer on it, onto our first trip to Cozumel and Mexico (for scuba diving), to come back to more waiting for court dates on our house, to winning the house bid, through escrow, then through a grueling, pull-my-hair-out 2.5 months of bathroom and kitchen renovations, then another month of clean up and prep for our big move, then the actual big move during Thanksgiving weekend, then unpacking and living in boxes for a few weeks, then Christmas of course wigh family, then finally here we are. Last day of this year and we are still fixing up and working on the house. We are still living in boxes and probably will be for another few months. Wow. WHAT. A. YEAR.
Here are some words to best describe this year:
Here are some words to best describe this year:
The Lady