Holy moly, it is HOT! Well, at least today it is, and apparently this weekend it's going to be in the 90s!! That's record heat for March!
I love it though. Perks of being an LAer, the beautiful weather. And because of this gorgeous warm weather, my little seedlings have started to sprout!! I was so excited, it's funny. The smallest little thing like seeing sprouts made me so happy! Urban gardening has happened! This weekend I plan to transplant the plants into our planter. Yay, finally!
(My tomatoes in the garage) |
(My tomatoes in the garage) |
(Basil started sprouting too!) |
(My Miraclegrow experiment - all of them have sprouted, indoors) |
(My organic soil experiment - only 1 seedling has sprouted indoors) |
(Even Little P thinks it's hot!) |
The Lady
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